15 Things You May Not (or Maybe You Do) Know About Me...
15. I have a severe Diet Coke addiction...seriously, I love the stuff and I drink way too much. If they ever find out definitely that it causes something, I will totally, beyond a shadow of a doubt, have it!
14. I hate the TV or radio to be even the slightest bit loud. I want to be able to hear and that's it- nothing over just audible. I tried as a teenager to be "cool" and blare the music while it honestly just racked my nerves! Just one example of what a nerd I really am, I guess.
13. I am NOT anywhere near as organized as I should be with 3 kids. Its a constant battle with myself to get organized. I like a neat appearance, but please steer clear of my tupperware cabinet and junk drawer-
12. I throw out/donate my kids toys when they are not home. I've been busted on quite a few items, too. I just can't stand having so much clutter and no where to put it! The latest was a Dora doll I had just gotten rid of that Anniston decided she wanted to play with (after like, 6 months!) and was REALLY upset she couldn't find her. I had to call my mom, who was going to pass it on to my cousins baby, and get her back. Dora is once again resting peacefully safe and sound in the bottom of the closet.
11. I didn't have a big girly wedding. I got married in Jamaica. We didn't elope but it was just the two of us and it was wonderful. Hopefully we will go back in September 2009 to celebrate our 10th anniversary.
10. I love Chelsea Handler (the Chelsea Lately Show on E!). She is crude, probably an alcoholic, but she cracks me up like no one else! My mom recently told me that reading her book "My Horizontal Life, A Book of one Night Stands" wasn't good for my mind/heart. I disagree- the laughs I've gotten from her book are great for my sanity at the end of the day!
9. I don't vote Republican (pick yourself up off the floor....). I'm not saying I would never, I just haven't seen a Republican worth voting for yet. So don't blame Bush's legacy on me....
8. My secret wish is that I could sing. I have zero musical ability- I don't even sing in church for fear the person next to me will hear how tone deaf and off pitch I am!
7. I am lazy. Not all the time, I don't have time to be as lazy as I would like. I usually spend Ayden Claire's nap time either napping myself or wasting time. (If I spent it getting my tupperware organized I wouldn't have a #13)
6. I am great at being a thrifty shopper. I love to find bargains. I found my $110 diaper bag online brand new for $30. See- I wasn't totally wasting time that day...I was saving money!
5. I love to read, would rather read a book than see the movie actually. Once I start a good book, I can't put it down. Further proof of the nerd I am.
4. I haven't worked a day since finishing my college degree. Its a Bachelor of Science in Business and Human Resources, Wes calls it my BS degree... :) One day I may use it but right now I love raising my girls, which requires a lot of Human Resources Management!
3. I LOVE to look at houses. I used to want to be an architect and would beg my mom to buy me a pack of graph paper at the store rather than a pack of stickers. I would draw little house plans, which actually weren't all that bad for a 10 year old. A real treat for me would be a magazine of floor plans! (Yes, not that you needed it, but even more proof of my nerdiness!) I wanted to go to Auburn and be an architect but freaked out when I realized you had to know how to draw the front of the house and the landscaping also for this degree. I can draw lines and squares and put them together but I am no artist, not even by a long shot. So now I amuse myself (waste time) looking at the houses for sale in my area, or any area for that matter. Maybe I should look into Real Estate Agent school when the market improves...
2. I am terrified of death. I think for this reason, I think up crazy illnesses and convince myself I have them. I guess I think if I think of it, it probably won't happen. Seriously, every time I have a little muscle pain I am convinced its the beginning of something serious; heartburn is always an impending heart attack; a headache is really meningitis; dry eyes is retinal cancer; and lets not forget the brain tumor I self diagnosed myself as having when I was about 16 (it must be a very slow growing tumor). I don't mean to make light of any of these conditions, I have felt the fear of having them all!
1. I probably need therapy!
Fellow bloggers....that would be you Jill and Melissa.....go do this on your blog if you would like!