Thursday, September 9, 2010


Alyssa's 10th birthday fell on Alabama's season opener against San Jose State and Labor Day weekend!  We celebrated all weekend.  I'm a BIG birthday person- I think birthdays are a big deal and love making birthday girls (or boys) feel special.  She had a couple friends over Friday night and we had our friends and their kids over Saturday to watch the game.  Wes's mom and grandmother came down and spent the day with us so Alyssa got to see them on her birthday.  Jill and Josh also came so that ALWAYS makes for lots of fun!  Alyssa didn't ask for anything big for her birthday- just surprises.  She got a cute new hair dryer and straightener (although Anniston may have been more excited!), a Ramona and Beezus book, a picture for her room she'd wanted, a new binder and a few other small things.  The 3 girls who moved in to our old house spent the night with us Saturday night- how neat!  We took her shopping on Labor Day to spend her gift cards and birthday money.  And then that night we had 2 other friends over for a sleepover!  Lots of spend the night company but I love listening to the girls play and make up dances to blaring music.  I know God knew what he was doing when he gave me daughters! 
Oh, and Alabama won (not surprising, but still exciting!).

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