So, Saturday evening we are driving to my mom's to pick her up and head to Montgomery for Alyssa's second birthday party of the weekend at all the kids coveted place to party, Pump It Up. As we pass by a local park, we see a very small wedding ceremony taking place. I point it out to my girls and Sarah, Alyssa's friend who is with us (apparently she and Alyssa have a much busier social calender than I ever will). Anniston, being barely 4, is a bit confused by exactly what "getting married" means. I think she confuses it with death because she asks me if they are sad. I chuckle, thinking how some may replace the word "marriage" with "death", but not me, of course! :) I LOVE YOU, WES! Okay, so anyway, I explain to Anniston that they are getting married like Mommy and Daddy are married to each other. Alyssa, being much older and much wiser tries to help Anniston understand with, "You know, they get married and then they kiss. See," she puts up on pointer finger to represent the woman, "here's the bride. And this," she puts up the other pointer finger to represent the man, "is the........". Obvisouly she isn't sure of the correct term for the groom. She is thinking, and then she has it!
"This is the stinky man!" Then she continues by giving us a visual demonstration of the woman and stinky man kissing by putting her fingers together and twisting them (I guess once you're married you get long kisses!). We chuckle for a few minutes and pick up Nanny. Since we are talking about weddings, I decide this is a good time to remind Anniston that she is going to be in a wedding soon. She looks at me from the back seat and asks, "Do I have to get married?" The funny thing is, is that she was as serious as could be. In her little head, I can see her thinking about getting married now, at age 4. Bless her heart, she looked quite worried! I could see the relief wash over her when I told her no, she just was going to be a flower girl in another bride and stinky man's wedding! Oh, to have the innocence of a 4 year old and that of a 7 year old, who thinks you get married and then you kiss and thats pretty much it! If they only knew....but I think for now they know enough....
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