Nothing says Fall to me more than buying the ingredients and making Sante Fe soup! I always look forward to it once it starts to cool down. And by "cool down", I mean get below 75 degrees. Because that's soup and chili weather, right? :) Well, David, Kendra, Kai, Josh and Jill came to our house this weekend and so even though it was warmer than 75 degrees, I decided we would have Sante Fe soup with our SEC football games. And "Better Than Sex" cake. It is delicious! So, basically I gained 8 pounds this weekend. Alabama lost after 19 wins.... :( Maybe that's partly why I ate all weekend!
Alyssa finally got to meet her new cousin, Kai. To say she was excited would be a vast understatement. She LOVES babies. She is going to be a great mommy one day!
Kai was just precious! Kendra had her sporting a little mohawk- so cute! She's just tiny. It's so hard to remember my girls ever being this little! Well, Alyssa is the only one who ever was really this little. Anniston and Ayden Claire were huge babies. It was so fun to hold and love on a tiny, precious, new baby. But I'm glad she's my niece and I can hand her over to her mommy! ;)

Audrey Kai Hill