Monday, June 16, 2008

3/4 Of A Year!

Ayden Claire turned 9 months Saturday! She also got her first tooth- finally, after working on it all last week and being a little fussy! She is crawling everywhere and pulled up for the first time last week also. She loves getting into the movies under the TV. Soon she'll be walking and then running after her big sisters! We spent most of her nine month birthday at the wedding, but then we headed to Birmingham to meet Jill, Josh, Kendra, David and Alyssa at Cheesecake Factory. Ayden Claire took a power nap in the car! She loved eating at Cheesecake Factory. They brought plates of sliced bread and bananas to all the kids! So she got her first taste of "real" bananas. We were celebrating Kendra's 26th birthday so afterward we all went back to Jill's apartment and crashed there. Oh, all of our kids have nicknames somewhat. Alyssa is "Sweetpea", Anniston is "Pumpkin" and Ayden Claire is "Munchkin" to their dad. I call Alyssa "Lyss" or "Lyssie Lou". Well, we have jokingly been calling Ayden Claire "A.C." and its caught on. Alyssa officially calls her "A.C." now, and while I'm not big on initials for names, its pretty cute and I have a feeling she might be A.C. at times!

1 comment:

The Fay's said...

i cannot believe how cute that pic of AC is. you should frame it!!