These are a couple conversations I've encountered over the past week...
Anniston came home from school Wednesday and told me, "I hate school and I'm not going back. Ms. Brandi is mean and she yells at the class!" (Now, I don't really think Ms. Brandi is mean nor does she probably "yell"- she just has to be firm with a few of the kids and this bothers Anniston.) Great, I'm thinking...because I know Anniston and if she has made her mind up not to go back to school we are in trouble! I tried to play it off lightly and told her, "No, you have to finish going to preschool so you will be ready for kindergarten next year!" She considered this and said, "Oh, preschool is just practice school?" I laughed at the idea, "Yep, preschool is practice school and you have to practice!" She seemed okay and went to school Friday without problem- for the most part. I love how her little mind thinks!
Then, on the way home from a day out with Alyssa and Ayden Claire (Wes and Anniston were hunting), Alyssa started professing her undying love for me and her family. Now, this is rare for Alyssa and I was truly touched! I asked her if she thought one day she would find a husband to love and love her as much as Mommy and Daddy love each other-not that I'm rushing her! She quickly told me "No! I don't want to have babies so I'm not getting married!" "Well, Alyssa, you know just because you get married doesn't mean you have to have babies. I know several couples who are married and don't have babies." She was concerned about the whole "sex" thing and getting pregnant so I reminded her that there were ways to prevent having a baby once you are married. She responded with, "Yeah, but why do you have sex then if you don't want a baby?" Uh-oh...good question! I stumbled around for the words and then pretty much told her something about married people spending time together and blah blah blah! I wasn't ready for that one! Maybe she will one day decide she does want to get married but right now it looks like she's headed for the title of "Cat Lady".