Hey Granny!
How is your day going?
Well, I've been pretty busy lately. Well, it's just a busy life- but that's life, huh?
Actually, Granny, did I mention that I have a new baby? She- yes, that's right, another girl!- isn't really a baby anymore. She's almost 2, which is hard to believe. Even harder for me, is that you didn't get to meet her on Earth. I think you may have kissed her and whispered in her ear to be good for me before she got here though. She is every bit as wonderful as her big sisters. I can't believe I have three daughters, just like you. Maybe God saw something in me like He did you, that He decided to trust me to raise daughters. I am honored if that is the case. I like to think that I have some small portion of your strength and determination. Wes calls this "stubborn", but that's okay too. Stubborn isn't always bad, is it? Anyway, Granny, I would really appreciate if you could help watch over my girls. I know how much you loved Alyssa and Anniston. And Ayden Claire would steal your heart right out of your chest she's so sweet and adorable (but I am a little partial). I can hear you oohing and ahhing over her now...talking about how her big brown eyes remind you of me and how her amazing tan came straight from her daddy.
You would not believe how tall Alyssa is getting and how much her personality is like mine. She is such a sweet little girl with a soft voice and kind heart. She is a wonderful big sister and I just know she would be right beside you cooking in your kitchen if you were here today! Maybe she would know how to make those delicious homemade biscuits by now. She would love to work in your word find books before bed with you and probably would be learning our rules for Rummy. She loves to read and play games and loves school. She probably had the hardest time when you died. She misses you terribly, even now. She has the most memories with you and its hard when you are almost 6 and lose someone special. I am so glad she got to know you though. She is a better kid for having almost 6 years of her Granny. Even though loss is hard, experiencing the love makes it worth it.
Anniston would make your head spin. I can hear you now, "That Anniston. She just makes my head spin," as you shake your head and grin. To be honest, she often times makes my head spin! She is active and bouncy and bubbly but would be your cuddle-bug, bed buddy for sure. And, if you ever needed anything, you could without doubt call Anniston. She has a heart of gold, Granny! She talks about you still, quite often. I am so glad she has memory of her Granny. She was little when you died, but she was loved by you for 2 and a half years and I think she will always remember that love.
My mom is doing great. You would be so proud of her, Granny! She is a wonderful "Nanny" and mom. We don't know what we would do without her. The girls just love her beyond words. I am so thankful that they have a wonderful grandmother like I had!
Wes is great, also. Next month we will celebrate a decade of marriage. Can you believe that? Ten years! I'm sure you thought we were nuts when we got married, Granny. We were young and not very wise (I wouldn't admit that to just anyone!) but I hope that you would be proud of us. We love each other so much, more so even than we did back in 1999. Wes is a wonderful daddy and husband. I know every day how blessed I am to have him. What a great guy! He misses you and his Pop. That was a rough 6 months- first losing you in August after your battle with lung cancer and then Pop dying in January just months later after the same battle. We both looked up to the two of you so much and each loss hit us hard.
Granny, can I just tell you about your aloe vera plant you gave me? It was huge when you gave it to me, but it is still alive and thriving-miraculously! Are you helping me out with it up there? Because I normally kill everything I touch and don't touch, but some how this plant is big and beautiful! I love it. In fact, I should probably go water it...
Remember, Granny, your last summer and going to Hospice? Do you remember us pretty much camping out there to be with you? I sure hope you knew how loved you were those couple of months! You were in so much pain, I hate to even think about the pain we could all see in your eyes, and yet you were still kind and appreciative. I remember you saying "Thank you" to us and to each nurse and visitor for even the smallest act of kindness. You were truly an example to me during that time. Even in the face of death, you showed gratitude- so how can we ever not be grateful, even on a "bad" day? Thank you for that last lesson. Thank you for all the many lessons you taught us without ever "teaching" but by "living" the way you did. We all miss you so much adn think of you often!

sitting here squaling like a baby. i miss her so much!!!
I just now read that.....it brought tears to my eyes Kel. I couldn't agree more with what you said. Just think what a great influence she was. You are alot like her in many ways.
I Love You!
Hi Kelly. I wanted to leave you a comment and ask you to tell your husband thank you for me. Thank you for keeping my little boy safe as they traveled to Birmingham. I know that that trip was prayed for by many people from my community as I am sure your husband may have told you that my entire community surrounded the helicopter and prayed for the flight, the medics and my precious son. I want your husband to know that if my son would have lived, he would have been THRILLED to know that he rode in a "copt" as he called it. He loved helicopters and every time we saw one he pointed it out. That is all i could talk about at the hospital until he died was how cool it was that he rode in a helicopter. Will you please tell the other guy thank you for me too. He was kinda red headed. I can remember him looking at me and telling us to be careful on our way to birmingham. Tell your husband that God is taking care of us. My twins had a reason to die. God allowed them to be taken from me because it was their time and their life had a purpose that is still being revealed to us daily as we hear of the many people impacted by their tragedy. I am ashamed to admit, but proud at the same time that my children had an impact on more people in their 2 years of life than me in my 24 have had the entire time. God is still working through this situation. He has given me an unexplainable peace that is carrying me through each day as a witness to his unfailing love and comfort. Thank you for commenting on Kelly's Blog. My sister in law found it and emailed it to me and I replied back to her that God was so cool! :) Your girls are beautiful. God Bless you and your family.
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