This is one of Wes's favorite quotes. He really finds much truth in it, as do I. It is fairly simple to be a father, being a Daddy takes someone extraordinary! I am so glad my girls are blessed with such a wonderful Daddy! Wes works a job and a half (and has since Alyssa was about 3!) so that I am able to stay with our 3 girls. And he still makes time to be their softball coach and cheer them on along the sidelines. He is beyond special- he is one of a kind! I can only hope and pray that Alyssa, Anniston, and Ayden Claire grow up and each marry a man as generous, kind and loving as their Daddy.

"The most important thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother." ~Henry Ward Beecher
Thank you, Wes, for loving me!
Such a sweet post! Ya'll are very blessed to have such a wonderful man in your lives!
They really look like they love their daddy!
I love that saying! I heard it as a child and have remembered it ever since. It is so true.
Happy Hopping!
Beautiful family!
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