Friday, June 5, 2009


Ayden Claire was born with a hemangioma on her upper right chest. We just call it her "birthmark" because that's easier to say than hemangioma. Yesterday, as I was getting her dressed Anniston came in the room and pointed to it and said, "I see her bookmark!"
"What?" I asked, giggling to myself because I knew what she meant.
"Her bookmark."
Too funny. Life with kids...its never dull!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Amen girl! Thanks for the funny comments, they really made me smile but I feel like I should clear something up about the swimming pictures. First of all, it amazes me that you have three kids and you don't look like you've ever been pregnant. I'm so jealous. Second, I was in my backyard with only my husband and daughter to witness the mess that is me in a 2 piece. The same daughter who, from time to time, plays with my stomach like it's a bowl full of jelly. And finally, please take special notice of the way in which my picture is cropped; that is, just above where all the stretch marks and saggy belly flat begin. And if I had to, I’d Photoshop it out. I have no personal problem with occasionally faking it. Now that I’ve successfully written an entire post in your comments section, I will go. Love, love.