Add this one to the "Only once you're a Mom" catergory-
Today, I went to take the girls laundry out of the washing machine once it was finished. I get to the very bottom and see something that I know immediately wasn't intentionally washed. I'm not sure what it is, my first thought was a dill pickle! I reached in to get it not quite sure what I was pulling out and to my surprise its a piece of string cheese with about one bite missing! Now, I'm not sure how it wound up getting washed- if I had to guess I would say probably from Anniston's pocket! Anyway, if anyone wants some string cheese, we have it at our house, straight from the washing machine so you know its clean!
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Monday, July 21, 2008
Everything old is new again....
We got some of Anniston's old toys out of the attic Sunday for Ayden Claire. She is loving playing with them! The blue rocking dog looks like it might have been mine back in 1979, but its really only a few years old. Anyway, Ayden Claire has been sharing her "new" toys with Alyssa and Anniston- they are enjoying acting like 1 year olds again!
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Pottery Barn Kid
I went to the mailbox Saturday to find my new Pottery Barn Kids catalog. In case you don't know Pottery Barn, they have the absolute cutest kids furniture and bedding for a not so "cute" price, but I love looking at my quarterly catalog. However, Saturday, Anniston got a hold of my catalog and she went crazy! She was like a kid before Christmas looking at the "Wish Book" (remember that?)! She wanted all the "pretty rooms", this one and then no, this one. Finally she decided on her dream room- page 27, a very pink and green room. It actually would go perfect with her paint. The bed is green and there is a matching green desk that she wants. Her exact words were, "I want this office, Mommy! And look at that beautiful window." Even if we could afford the complete setup from the page of Pottery Barn, I don't think I can do much about the "beautiful window". Anyway, even today she was carrying around the PBK catalog showing off her room she is getting, and "Why can't we go get it today?" Anniston, she is definitely a girl after my own heart!
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Summer Adventures
Kendra was off this past Thursday so after talking about going to the water park at Alabama Adventure for the past two months, we actually made it. It was a beautiful day for a water park visit! We pulled up and after paying our $10 to park, we found a spot in the first row right in front of the entrance- it almost made it worth the $10 we forked out! We got in and settled and the kids wanted to head to the lazy river first. Sounded good to us adults! There were two areas for smaller kids that were both really nice and the kids loved the slides. There was a swing for babies and toddlers that allowed Ayden Claire's feet to dangle in the water, and it was shaded, so we hung out there for a while. There was a bigger slide that went straight down but Alyssa didn't meet the height requirement for it. She was, however, tall enough to do a tunnel slide that ended in a funnel type deal. You swirled around until you dropped out of a hole in the bottom into a pool underneath. She loved the slide you rode doubles down in an inter tube. It was dark and fast, it made me a little nervous....I hate being closed in like that, but it was a fun slide! We drifted around the lazy river a few more times and then the kids played in the wave pool, although the wave maker must have been broken because it was basically just a zero entry pool. By this time it was 5 so we dried off and headed over to the amusement park side to ride a few rides. Kendra took Alyssa and Anniston on a couple of water rides, note the picture of them on the Log Flume! Anniston absolutely loved the Scrambler, she laughed hysterically the entire ride. I took Alyssa on a roller coaster that did a couple of loops forward and then took you back through backwards. Her exact words after going forwards were, "That was awesome!" but once we parked after going backwards she was sobbing! She still rode this huge wooden roller coaster twice with Kendra after the first traumatic experience on the first roller coaster. She's much braver than I was at 7! I can tell Anniston is going to be pretty fearless also, as long as her sisters doing it with her! We had a wonderful time and we slept really good that night! I would definitely consider going back again, we may take Daddy once more this summer.
Monday, July 14, 2008
A Bunch of Old?
Anniston was laying in our bed tonight waiting on her daddy to read her a book. Out of nowhere she says, "Daddy, is Granny and Pop dead?" (The answer to both is yes, they both died a little over a year and a half ago, about 3 months apart. Granny was my grandmother and Pop was Wes's granddad.) "Yes, they are both dead, Anniston," Wes answered.
"Well, how do you get dead?"
"Usually you get old....."
"Oh. Is Nanny old?" (Nanny is my mom.)
"No, not very old."
"Just a little old?"
"Yes, just a little old."
"You have to be a bunch of old to die?"
"Come on and read to me, Daddy!"
"Well, how do you get dead?"
"Usually you get old....."
"Oh. Is Nanny old?" (Nanny is my mom.)
"No, not very old."
"Just a little old?"
"Yes, just a little old."
"You have to be a bunch of old to die?"
"Come on and read to me, Daddy!"
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Canoeing, anyone?
Today we went to Oak Mountain State Park. It is a park in Birmingham close to Jill and Josh's house. Kendra and David met us and went also. The guys had a golf game planned on the course there and we were going to take the kids on the pedal boats and the canoes and then to the "beach". Then we were going to meet back up with the guys once their golf game was over. Well, the golf game took a little longer than expected, so we went swimming for a little while and then to the petting zoo without them. The girls loved the boats! It was definitely our favorite part of the day. Even little Ayden Claire got to go and she had her own little orange life jacket. I wish I could have gotten a picture-she was too cute. Anniston loved jumping off the boat and swimming around in the lake. Alyssa liked canoeing with Aunt Kendra. Actually, we all decided it is easier to canoe than pedal boat. Maybe that should tell me I need to hit the gym-my legs were so out of shape! It was a great way to spend our Sunday. I think we all had a blast.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
The Birds and the Bees...and the Dogs

We recently became the owners of a poodle/shitzu mixed dog named Gabby. Someone Jill worked with had to get rid of her and in a moment of insanity/weakness I said we would take her. After a trip to the vet and the groomer (which broke the budget!) we were in love with her. We even found her a little pink Isaac Mizrahi sundress from Target! Things were going perfect with our new addition until about two weeks into it when she went into heat! Well, as much as we were stressed about this, our datsun mix, Wilbur, was just as excited. We had done a great job at keeping them apart- due in part because Wilbur stays outside and Gabby is inside- until Thursday night. Wes let Gabby on the patio and while he briefly turned around Wilbur got in the patio and well....lets just say they didn't waste any time with any "foreplay"! Now, Jill, myself and the girls are on our way home as this happens. Jill and Alyssa get in before me and when I get to the backdoor with Ayden Claire, Alyssa comes back out quite upset because her Daddy won't let her hear (or see) what he is telling Jill, which is that our beloved new dog is "stuck" rear to rear with Wilbur! So I go in and get the news and quickly realize this isn't something we can very well hide from Alyssa or easily brush off. Once she sees what has transpired, although confused and concerned, she wants to know what the deal is and I decide right then to be completely honest. So yes, I laid it all out for my sweet innocent child just shy of her eighth birthday. I asked her if she had any questions. She thought briefly and said, "Now exactly how does that work?" Well....I thought I had done a good job being thorough. Round two. Anatomy 101. Any more questions? Without skipping a beat this time and with a smile on her face, "Do Jill and Josh do it?" Jill left the room on that one. So, since we were being honest and everything I replied, "Well, they are married,"-which I had stressed was very important to be first-"so, yes they do." "So are they going to have a baby too?!" She sounded excited and hopeful. Round three. Birth control. Here is Alyssa's response to that, "Well when I get big I am going to the doctor to get that medicine because I'm not having a baby! I'm adopting!" She was quite adament. And that was that. Conversation over. One sex talk down, two to go. Today, Anniston informed my neighbor that Gabby and Wilburs bottoms were stuck together. Great, here we go again.....
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Happy Birthday, USA!

Friday, July 4, 2008
Beach Bound
We just got back from spending a few days in Sunny Gulf Shores, Alabama. The girls and I went down Wednesday night with my sister Kendra. Wes, Josh, Jill and David came down Friday night, a little later than originally planned but I'll explain why in a later blog. We went crab hunting, swam in the pool, went to Kiddie Heaven also known as The Track where I blew up the Visa and got soaked on the bumper boats but Anniston and I laughed the whole ride so it was totally worth it! We spent Saturday at the beach scooping jellyfish out of the ocean by the net full-I kept telling everyone "Just a few more then we should be good to go!"- and then went to LuLu's for dinner. Sunday we girls did a little outlet shopping, much less damage to the Visa than at The Track! The guys took the girls to play putt putt and then swimming at my Dad and Jackie's house. All in all it was a fun little getaway!
Olympic Dreams
Okay, so she's not Olympic bound YET, but..... Alyssa started swim team this summer. After trying quite a few sports and usually coming to the same conclusion- she LOVES being part of a team and socializing she just isn't aggressive enough to be great- we decided to let her swim. She swims all summer as it is and we are already at the Y most days so why not? So we paid the fees and bought the suit, and after a month of 7 am practices she had her first meet. I must brag briefly and tell you how great she did! She finished 1st in the 25 freestyle, 1st in the 25 breaststroke, and 2nd in the 25 butterfly! She was quite proud of herself and her ribbons she got. We just had the second swim meet of the season and she finished 2nd in the freestyle and breaststroke and 6th in backstroke. It was her first time to ever compete in backstroke! While she is probably never going to be the fastest kid at anything- her and Wes NEVER get in a hurry!!- she is an awesome swimmer and its been so fun so far. She doesn't even complain about the early practices, she just sleeps in a swimsuit!
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