We recently became the owners of a poodle/shitzu mixed dog named Gabby. Someone Jill worked with had to get rid of her and in a moment of insanity/weakness I said we would take her. After a trip to the vet and the groomer (which broke the budget!) we were in love with her. We even found her a little pink Isaac Mizrahi sundress from Target! Things were going perfect with our new addition until about two weeks into it when she went into heat! Well, as much as we were stressed about this, our datsun mix, Wilbur, was just as excited. We had done a great job at keeping them apart- due in part because Wilbur stays outside and Gabby is inside- until Thursday night. Wes let Gabby on the patio and while he briefly turned around Wilbur got in the patio and well....lets just say they didn't waste any time with any "foreplay"! Now, Jill, myself and the girls are on our way home as this happens. Jill and Alyssa get in before me and when I get to the backdoor with Ayden Claire, Alyssa comes back out quite upset because her Daddy won't let her hear (or see) what he is telling Jill, which is that our beloved new dog is "stuck" rear to rear with Wilbur! So I go in and get the news and quickly realize this isn't something we can very well hide from Alyssa or easily brush off. Once she sees what has transpired, although confused and concerned, she wants to know what the deal is and I decide right then to be completely honest. So yes, I laid it all out for my sweet innocent child just shy of her eighth birthday. I asked her if she had any questions. She thought briefly and said, "Now exactly how does that work?" Well....I thought I had done a good job being thorough. Round two. Anatomy 101. Any more questions? Without skipping a beat this time and with a smile on her face, "Do Jill and Josh do it?" Jill left the room on that one. So, since we were being honest and everything I replied, "Well, they are married,"-which I had stressed was very important to be first-"so, yes they do." "So are they going to have a baby too?!" She sounded excited and hopeful. Round three. Birth control. Here is Alyssa's response to that, "Well when I get big I am going to the doctor to get that medicine because I'm not having a baby! I'm adopting!" She was quite adament. And that was that. Conversation over. One sex talk down, two to go. Today, Anniston informed my neighbor that Gabby and Wilburs bottoms were stuck together. Great, here we go again.....
1 comment:
this is hillarious and i love your new page :)
it looks GREAT!!
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