Monday, December 29, 2008
Twenties No More
My husband turned 30 yesterday, December 28th. I can't believe I just said that! 30! I've known "of" him since I was little and would visit my grandparents. He lived a few houses down the street from them and I would see him riding his bike past on occasion. Then when I went to live with them in the 8th grade I learned his name was Wes Kelley and he was very cute. In 9th grade we had several classes together. He was a typical 9th grade boy- class clown, goof off, immature...you know. By 11th grade he had grown up slightly and we began dating December 1st of 1995 our junior year. So, basically we grew into adulthood together. We got married at the ripe age of 20 (almost 21) and started our life together. I just can't believe how the past decade has flown and everything we have experienced together. Obvisouly, our proudest accomplishments are our 3 daughters. We have had a busy "twentysomething" but we could not be happier- well, he would like me to cook more and I would like him to pick up his dirty laundry more, but with those exceptions.... Wes has been going slowly going gray since his very early twenties so he is good and ready to face the thirties! I, on the other hand, am not! And its just around the corner. I am so thankful that Wes was put in my life- I can't wait to spend our 30's together and see what this decade holds. I love you, my "old" man!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008
The Hottest Baby Names
According to Yahoo!, the #1 Hottest Baby Boy Name for 2008 was "Aidan" once again. This is two years in a row for "Aidan". "Isabella" was it for girls followed by "Ava". Now, let me remind you that I picked out Aidan for our child before I was even pregnant with Anniston and I NEVER have seen an episode of Sex and the City so I have no connection with the character named Aidan on that show. I saw it in a Parents magazine back in 2002 and knew I had to have an Aidan! We named Anniston and held out on our Aidan name for the son we would surely (mathematically speaking) have later on down the road. When we found out baby #3 was a girl, I didn't have a girl name- it figures, right? I like Addison but we have a Madison in the family already. I liked Adelynn but Kendra swears shes naming her daughter Madelyn. And of course, we had to have an "A" name- I'm very type A at times! So we said, "Lets name her Ayden and call her Ayden Claire" and that's what we did. By the way, Aidan/Ayden/Aiden/Aden/Aydan/Aden means "little fire". As she grows each month, I am begining to think her name suits her just perfectly! She is wonderful but she is "the baby"... Now you know how our "little fire" became Ayden Claire. And I'm thinking its very likely she will grow up and marry an Aidan/Aiden/Ayden/Aden...

Friday, December 19, 2008
Christmas Party- 2nd Grade Style
Yesterday was Alyssa's class Christmas party. It started at 1:00 with Mrs. Hurst opening her gifts. She too, like Ms. Brandi, racked up with all kinds of goodies! She deserves it, she is an excellent teacher and works hard. I would have a hard enough time keeping up with 18 second graders let alone actually teaching them! We had doughnuts, cookies, chips, dip, crackers and Cheez Whiz. Anniston and Ayden Claire enjoyed hanging out with the big kids, too. Now schools out for 2 weeks. I am so looking forward to not having to get up and get everyone ready and not having to study for a couple of weeks. I'm sure we'll all be ready for school to start back though come January!
Alyssa in her classroom waiting on the party to start.

Getting a hug from Mrs. Hurst after she opened her gift from Alyssa

Alyssa and Jordan sitting in the dugout, Mrs. Hurst has a "Baseball stadium" themed room- its very cute!

Can we say SUGAR?

Sarah, Alyssa, Carley and Sara Grace


Anniston and her friend Jerrica both have siblings in Mrs. Hurst's class

Class of 2019!
Alyssa in her classroom waiting on the party to start.

Getting a hug from Mrs. Hurst after she opened her gift from Alyssa

Alyssa and Jordan sitting in the dugout, Mrs. Hurst has a "Baseball stadium" themed room- its very cute!

Can we say SUGAR?

Sarah, Alyssa, Carley and Sara Grace


Anniston and her friend Jerrica both have siblings in Mrs. Hurst's class

Class of 2019!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Feeling Froggy? Be Crafty!
Tonight we decided to get messy! Wes is working on the helicopter so its just me and the girls. So why not get crafty and make handprints of all the girls? My neighbor Lisa, brought over some extra "Grandparent" crafts she had bought for her kids to make. So, SPOILER ALERT******Picture of our crafts below***** Grandparents (that would be you, Nanny) may not want to look at the following picture! :)
Ayden Claire's handprints are the ones in the last row. They aren't that much smaller than Annistons!
Ayden Claire's handprints are the ones in the last row. They aren't that much smaller than Annistons!

Christmas Party- 4 Year Old Style
Today was the highly anticipated, long awaited preschool Christmas party! There was excitment in the air at Coosada Baptist Preschool, especially in Ms. Brandi's class! The kids ate- several varieties of cookies and cupcakes, just to make sure they had enough sugar to get them through the party- and then exchanged books with one another. I say "exchanged" but actually, Anniston picked the book she had brought when it was her turn. She wanted that Disney Princess ABC 123 book with read along CD so bad she couldn't stand it! Next it was Ms. Brandi's turn to open all of her goodies- I may look into teaching for the sheer fact of the awesome "Christmas Bonus"! Just kidding, but Ms. Brandi racked up! Finally, we collected all of the kids lovely artwork and headed home for a nap!
Hard at work...

Welcome to my class, Ayden Claire!

Ayden Claire making herself at home...

Anniston is so excited about her book!

"Don't even think about taking my sippy cup, Mister!"

Anniston and Ms. Brandi

Too much sugar, there Ayden Claire?

Group Hug!
Hard at work...

Welcome to my class, Ayden Claire!

Ayden Claire making herself at home...

Anniston is so excited about her book!

"Don't even think about taking my sippy cup, Mister!"

Anniston and Ms. Brandi

Too much sugar, there Ayden Claire?

Group Hug!

Saturday, December 13, 2008
Breakfast With Santa
We went to Applebee's this morning to have breakfast with Santa. We got there at 8 and were served pancakes while Santa walked around and visited with the tables. After we ate Alyssa and Anniston sat with him- Ayden Claire said "No, thanks!" We then went to Bass Pro Shops where low and behold, we saw Santa AGAIN! He is a super busy guy this time of the year!

Friday, December 12, 2008
A Poem For Mothers....
I saw this on a friends refrigerator the other day while at her house. It was quite a humbling experience...she is really living this way! I wish I'd read it 8 years ago, but better late than never, right?
If I Had My Child to Raise Over Again
If I had my child to raise all over again,
I'd finger-paint more, and point the fingers less.
I would do less correcting and more connecting.
I'd take my eyes off my watch, and watch with my eyes.
I would care to know less and know to care more.
I'd take more hikes and fly more kites.
I'd stop playing serious, and seriously play.
I would run through more fields and gaze at more stars.
I'd do more hugging and less tugging.
I'd build self-esteem first, and the house later.
I would be firm less often, and affirm much more.
I'd teach less about the love of power, And more about the power of love.
by Diane Loomans
My favorite line is "I'd build self-esteem first, and the house later." I often think how nice it would be to have a "bigger" or "nicer" house when in reality our house is plenty big for us and only as "nice" as we make it. As a mother of daughters, I desperately want them to value themselves and know their worth- so my new years resolution is to let go of the "perfect house" ideals I struggle with and concentrate on my daughters!
If I Had My Child to Raise Over Again
If I had my child to raise all over again,
I'd finger-paint more, and point the fingers less.
I would do less correcting and more connecting.
I'd take my eyes off my watch, and watch with my eyes.
I would care to know less and know to care more.
I'd take more hikes and fly more kites.
I'd stop playing serious, and seriously play.
I would run through more fields and gaze at more stars.
I'd do more hugging and less tugging.
I'd build self-esteem first, and the house later.
I would be firm less often, and affirm much more.
I'd teach less about the love of power, And more about the power of love.
by Diane Loomans
My favorite line is "I'd build self-esteem first, and the house later." I often think how nice it would be to have a "bigger" or "nicer" house when in reality our house is plenty big for us and only as "nice" as we make it. As a mother of daughters, I desperately want them to value themselves and know their worth- so my new years resolution is to let go of the "perfect house" ideals I struggle with and concentrate on my daughters!
Catching Up!
Well, its been a while! I must admit, I've been caught up in the hustle and bustle that comes along with Christmas time. Trying to make sure 3 girls are all "fairly" visited by Santa is a job in itself. I am officially finished with everyone on our list, the cards are mailed, and the house is decorated so I plan to enjoy the next couple of weeks without the stress of last minute shopping! We've been busy going to the parade, Christmas tree lighting, Christmas choir concert, Polar Express PJ party and we have a couple of Haynes Christmas Parties to attend next week. I also want to squeeze in a trip to the Zoo to see the lights there (although I don't know if I can handle the cold out at night!), a tour of Christmas lights around town with the girls, and we really want to have a Christmas party next Saturday for the girls and their friends- I'll let you know how that turns out if we do! Enjoy your family this Christmas and make it super special for the little ones! Til next time....

Monday, December 1, 2008
Giving Thanks

Thursday was Thanksgiving. Its a bittersweet holiday for me. I am so thankful for many things, which I'll get to momentarily, but it reminds me of the Thanksgivings I used to enjoy with my Granny and how much I miss that. She loved to cook for the people she loved and she fed us well! This was our 3rd Thanksgiving without her and I still miss her just as much as I did that first year. I was so blessed to have had such a wonderful, inspiring Granny, and for that I will always be extremely thankful! Also topping my list for things to give thanks for is, obvisouly my 3 healthy daughters. We could never thank God enough for placing these girls in our arms to raise and love. I know I have never done anything worthy of such wonderful gifts and I will always be so thankful for our girls. My wonderful husband deserves a million thanks! He puts up with so much- he lives with 4 females, can you imagine? He wipes tears (all of ours), rubs necks and legs and arms(all of ours), cooks a good bit of the time, bathes, prays and works a job and a half outside of all that! He is such a Godsend and he does all that he does with a positive attitude. I am so blessed to have sisters I can call on anytime to share stories with, gripe to, and count on. I also have a little brother that I am so thankful is in our lives- he is an amazing young man and I can't wait to see what he is going to do in life- I have a feeling its going to be great. I'm thankful for my mom- who I've learned so much from. I'm grateful for the "Nanny" that she is to our girls. I'm thankful for friends- the true few who know probably more than they really want to know about me! So those are the biggies, but I'm also thankful for some of lifes simple pleasures. Like, big red gum, summertime, cuddling, neckrubs, flipflops, Target, hairbows and ribbon, my favorite blue jeans, being from Alabama, pepper, mashed potatoes and macaroni, the E! channel, hot baths, good books....the list goes on!
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