According to Yahoo!, the #1 Hottest Baby Boy Name for 2008 was "Aidan" once again. This is two years in a row for "Aidan". "Isabella" was it for girls followed by "Ava". Now, let me remind you that I picked out Aidan for our child before I was even pregnant with Anniston and I NEVER have seen an episode of Sex and the City so I have no connection with the character named Aidan on that show. I saw it in a Parents magazine back in 2002 and knew I had to have an Aidan! We named Anniston and held out on our Aidan name for the son we would surely (mathematically speaking) have later on down the road. When we found out baby #3 was a girl, I didn't have a girl name- it figures, right? I like Addison but we have a Madison in the family already. I liked Adelynn but Kendra swears shes naming her daughter Madelyn. And of course, we had to have an "A" name- I'm very type A at times! So we said, "Lets name her Ayden and call her Ayden Claire" and that's what we did. By the way, Aidan/Ayden/Aiden/Aden/Aydan/Aden means "little fire". As she grows each month, I am begining to think her name suits her just perfectly! She is wonderful but she is "the baby"... Now you know how our "little fire" became Ayden Claire. And I'm thinking its very likely she will grow up and marry an Aidan/Aiden/Ayden/Aden...

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