I had planned to blog about our Disney trip but I had to write about a couple of funny incidents from my day- both involving our blond, witty, stubborn, second child Anniston. First, we were on our way to run errands and I decided to swing in Walgreen's and check the Red Box for Seven Pounds. (The Red Box is a big Coke machine that dispenses movies and I think its one of the greatest concepts to date and Seven Pounds is a Will Smith movie that was released today and I really like Will Smith movies. Lets face it, he was basically the only actor in I Am Legend and who can hold a two hour movie by themselves? Besides Tom Hanks?) Anyway, Anniston asked if she and Alyssa could watch the movie. I told her no, it wasn't a movie kids could watch.
"Why? Is it scary?" she asked.
"No, not really...I don't think." Knowing she would need a REASON why she couldn't watch it I added, "I think it has bad words in it."
"Well, I don't say bad words. But my friend E. does." Ratting out her friend....
"Oh...." I figure she is referring to the words "Stupid", or even worse..."Butt" or (gasp) "Fart"- all BAD words at our house...
"He does say bad words. When he messes up his pictures he says bad words." She was throwing him under the bus...
"Well, what does he say? Stupid?" I'm kind of curious now. Obviously she is in awe that he is cool enough to say "bad" words....
"No! He says a BAD word..."
"Well, I tell you what...you come whisper in my ear what he says but we won't say it ever again, okay?" Because I really want to know what this WORD is!!!
Anniston hesitated long enough to make sure I was seriously going to ALLOW her to say a bad word. Then she whispered in my ear, "When he messes up his picture he says 'Dannit'."
"Oh!" Not exactly the word "butt" I was expecting! "Well, that's not nice to say so lets make sure we don't use that word...."
She assured me she wouldn't. And I believe her. For now. There will come a day I'm sure where my innocent Anniston will let a real "bad" word fly. I may or may not be close enough to hear it. She's human. I just hope it isn't in Sunday School...
I think next time I walk into a door facing and almost break 3 toes I'll scream, "Dannit" just for the fun of it!
And now on to more serious business-and please don't report me for this blog or I'll delete it so it can't be used against me. Anniston has become- well, to put it bluntly- quite bratty since turning 5. I don't know if she got too much royal treatment in Disney or if she feels more important now that she is a year older. Either way, she's been extremely demanding and impatient lately. So I have been doing what any good Southern mother would do- spanking her bottom (yes, that's "bottom", not "butt"). Well, today when she went into complete meltdown mode because whatever she wanted didn't happen immediately, I went to swat her backside with my palm. She put her hand in protective mode on her rear with her fingers pointing out so when I spanked her I hit one of her fingers first. Of course it was the pinkie. I knew when it happened it probably hurt (now, let me clarify, I wasn't spanking her hard at ALL, just getting her attention and trying to halt the whiny fit she was on the verge of having). She stopped the tantrum but the tears turned real and she said "You hurt my finger." Yes, crap Mom- that's how I felt. I looked at it and it looked a little red. I didn't let her see my guilt though. I said, "Well, if you're going to throw a fit you are going to be spanked and I wouldn't but my hand back there if I were you." Although I really wanted to beg for her forgiveness. What kind of mom breaks their kids fingers?! I convinced myself it was crooked and broken and they would of course take all my children once we took Anniston to the ER and told them how her pinkie was broken. About that time Wes walked in and gave it a moments glance and said, "It's fine." Whew! We get to keep them another day! Then our friends from Georgia got here and the kids were running around playing and Anniston fell and hurt her fingers. I hope it isn't broken....
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Monday, March 30, 2009
As I am sitting here, a family from Anniston's preschool is making arrangements to bury their 19 month old son, Cooper. My heart aches for his parents and his big sister. Please say a prayer for this family. Cooper had been sick for a while but I don't think you could ever prepare for the loss of your child. Pray they are comforted somehow through this and pray for little Kennedy as she says goodbye to her brother. And then go hug your children super-dooper tight like I'm going to!
Friday, March 6, 2009
8 nights/8 days Disney World vacation package for family of 5- $2000
4 new tires and an oil change to get us to Orlando safely- $664.85
Seeing 3 girls faces as they enter the Magic Kingdom- Priceless
I'll post pictures when we get home! Until then, we'll be at the most magical place on Earth celebrating Annistons 5th birthday- Walt Disney World!
4 new tires and an oil change to get us to Orlando safely- $664.85
Seeing 3 girls faces as they enter the Magic Kingdom- Priceless
I'll post pictures when we get home! Until then, we'll be at the most magical place on Earth celebrating Annistons 5th birthday- Walt Disney World!
(Little) Lady in Red
I was at Belk one day and found the most beautiful red nightgown on a clearance rack for Anniston. It just screamed out "Anniston"! However, she has a pajama drawer that nearly explodes every time its opened already and I really knew we didn't need another gown, even though it was originally $42 (I know, who in their right mind buys a $42 gown for a 4 year old???) and was marked down to $12. I'm pretty cheap- thrifty, tightwad, budget wise- and I reluctantly put the gown back and moved on. Fast forward a few weeks and I'm browsing through Belk's clearance racks once again. Everything is an ADDITIONAL 50% off. And then I see Anniston's red gown. Because now it's only $6 and that I will do. I knew she'd be excited but I had no idea. She was wearing it by 3:00 pm the day I gave it to her and we had trouble getting her out of it the next day. She absolutely LOVES her red gown. She'll put it on and say, "I love my new gown, Mommy." Maybe it would have been worth the original price of $42 after all. It makes her feel beautiful and special and loved and girly. She twirls in it and pauses in front of mirrors or glass doors to catch glimpses of herself in her red gown. I'm afraid she is going to be a little "high maintenance" and feel for her future husband! :) But, that's okay, too. She appreciates the "beautiful" things in life. Maybe we all need a red nightgown...

Monday, March 2, 2009
Snow Day
For the second time in Alyssa's life and the first time for Anniston and Ayden Claire, it snowed at our house! The girls wanted to see snow last year so bad- we planned a Gatlinburg trip and it was supposed to snow the weekend we were there. We were stoked! Our first stop in Gatlinburg was to Wal-Mart for sleds because we were ready for snow. We woke up Saturday morning and Wes said, "Hey sweetie, guess where the snow went? Montgomery, Alabama." No snow in Gatlinburg, nope our neighbors were out playing and building snowmen back in Millbrook though! So, our last stop in Gatlinburg was Wal-Mart to return the unused sleds- me and 211 other people getting refunds before leaving town. But this year, we were home to play in our snow! And play we did. We had a blast- a freezing cold blast. I would dare say we almost had 4 inches in spots. It was gone as quickly as it came- it melted away by 3:00 or 4:00 and it should be back up to 70 Thursday. Thank God. I enjoyed a few hours of it but thats really all I need every few years. I'll take Spring now, please.

I am 30!
I'm also a little bit behind...maybe that's due to the fact I am now 30! Turning 30, honestly, did not really bother me like I thought it may. I had some of the best events of my life happen in my 20's- I married my soul mate and best friend and together we had 3 healthy beautiful children. What more could I ask for and how could I complain about turning 30? I once heard the saying, "Having birthdays beats the alternative." I couldn't agree more! I'm so thankful for every day much less year I get to raise my daughters and watch them grow. Now that doesn't mean I don't wish I had a few less wrinkles or flab- but that's a very small price I'm willing to pay!
We celebrated my birthday the Saturday before. Kendra, David, Jill and Josh came down that morning and we spent the day doing fun girly stuff. A little shopping, McAlister's (which I used to love but the one in Prattville is absolutely horrible and I'll never go back!), and we went to Palm Beach Tan and got our spray tans on- us girls of course, the guys had the kids!

We all along with my mom went to eat dinner at Beef O'Brady's and then the adults had planned to meet some friends at Mulligan's- an "older", "mature", 80's type bar. Little did I know that my sisters had rented a LIMO to take us there and bring us home! I was shocked! Talk about arriving in style...

We let Alyssa and Anniston go for a ride through the neighborhood with us and that made their night! They loved it! Then we headed to Mulligan's where a group of our friends were.

We sat and talked (yelled) over the music and had a little (lot) to drink. I had some Rum and Diet Coke which led me to believe I could dance and I danced the night away! It was a lot of fun!

So, overall turning 30 was quite fun and I recommend everyone do it at least once. Thanks to my husband and sisters and brothers in law and mom and friends for helping me celebrate 30 wonderful years of life! I love you all!
"Be grateful to have been given one more day, let alone one more year. Remember to dance in your nightgown, sing in the shower, ride a bike, fly a kite, and take an occasional "wind bath" in your bare skin. Give those you love big kisses, huge hugs, and the words "I love you" often and always. Nurture your body rather than starve your soul with fad dieting. Spend time with the old and the weary to better appreciate your life. On your birthday, call your mother and father wherever they are to thank them for all they have done for you, even if you think they haven't done enough. Remember that you are not guaranteed tomorrow and that today is as good as it gets. Thank God for every "thing", every "day", every moment."
We celebrated my birthday the Saturday before. Kendra, David, Jill and Josh came down that morning and we spent the day doing fun girly stuff. A little shopping, McAlister's (which I used to love but the one in Prattville is absolutely horrible and I'll never go back!), and we went to Palm Beach Tan and got our spray tans on- us girls of course, the guys had the kids!

We all along with my mom went to eat dinner at Beef O'Brady's and then the adults had planned to meet some friends at Mulligan's- an "older", "mature", 80's type bar. Little did I know that my sisters had rented a LIMO to take us there and bring us home! I was shocked! Talk about arriving in style...

We let Alyssa and Anniston go for a ride through the neighborhood with us and that made their night! They loved it! Then we headed to Mulligan's where a group of our friends were.

We sat and talked (yelled) over the music and had a little (lot) to drink. I had some Rum and Diet Coke which led me to believe I could dance and I danced the night away! It was a lot of fun!

So, overall turning 30 was quite fun and I recommend everyone do it at least once. Thanks to my husband and sisters and brothers in law and mom and friends for helping me celebrate 30 wonderful years of life! I love you all!
"Be grateful to have been given one more day, let alone one more year. Remember to dance in your nightgown, sing in the shower, ride a bike, fly a kite, and take an occasional "wind bath" in your bare skin. Give those you love big kisses, huge hugs, and the words "I love you" often and always. Nurture your body rather than starve your soul with fad dieting. Spend time with the old and the weary to better appreciate your life. On your birthday, call your mother and father wherever they are to thank them for all they have done for you, even if you think they haven't done enough. Remember that you are not guaranteed tomorrow and that today is as good as it gets. Thank God for every "thing", every "day", every moment."
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