For the second time in Alyssa's life and the first time for Anniston and Ayden Claire, it snowed at our house! The girls wanted to see snow last year so bad- we planned a Gatlinburg trip and it was supposed to snow the weekend we were there. We were stoked! Our first stop in Gatlinburg was to Wal-Mart for sleds because we were ready for snow. We woke up Saturday morning and Wes said, "Hey sweetie, guess where the snow went? Montgomery, Alabama." No snow in Gatlinburg, nope our neighbors were out playing and building snowmen back in Millbrook though! So, our last stop in Gatlinburg was Wal-Mart to return the unused sleds- me and 211 other people getting refunds before leaving town. But this year, we were home to play in our snow! And play we did. We had a blast- a freezing cold blast. I would dare say we almost had 4 inches in spots. It was gone as quickly as it came- it melted away by 3:00 or 4:00 and it should be back up to 70 Thursday. Thank God. I enjoyed a few hours of it but thats really all I need every few years. I'll take Spring now, please.
I grew up mostly in the great town of Tuscaloosa, Alabama. We now live outside of Montgomery in a little city called Millbrook. I have been married almost eleven years to the most awesome man- Wes. We began dating in 11th grade and somehow managed to make it to marriage and beyond. We have 3 girls- Alyssa, Anniston, and Ayden Claire who keep us super busy. I stay home with them and keep things running here while Wes manages Haynes, an ambulance company in Montgomery and keeps things running there. He also flies with LifeFlight one day a week- which allows me to stay home...see, I told you he was awesome. We wound up here by way of the US Air Force and made it home.
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