Yes, folks, its true- my baby is walking! Nothing major yet, just those first few baby steps, but I know whats next! She is slowly taking anywhere from 2-10 steps at a time before falling/sitting down.

Its so sweet to see her learn to walk. She is testing the waters and taking chances with every step she takes. She's so persistent at times. She'll fall down and get back up just to try it again. At other times, it must just be too much work. Somewhere in her little baby brain, I can hear her say, "Forget that! I'm taking the easy route this time- CRAWLING!" Its sort of like that throughout life.....we fall down, get bruises and get back up just to do it all over again. And then other times, we remember there is an easier way of doing something and go that way instead. I hope as Ayden Claire grows up she will continue to take chances and not always take the easiest road. Sometimes the bumpier road is worth the bruises we get along the way!
Its so sweet to see her learn to walk. She is testing the waters and taking chances with every step she takes. She's so persistent at times. She'll fall down and get back up just to try it again. At other times, it must just be too much work. Somewhere in her little baby brain, I can hear her say, "Forget that! I'm taking the easy route this time- CRAWLING!" Its sort of like that throughout life.....we fall down, get bruises and get back up just to do it all over again. And then other times, we remember there is an easier way of doing something and go that way instead. I hope as Ayden Claire grows up she will continue to take chances and not always take the easiest road. Sometimes the bumpier road is worth the bruises we get along the way!
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