Today on one of our many weekly trips to Wal-Mart, we parked and were getting out of the car. I had Ayden Claire out of her carseat and was holding her and trying to hustle Anniston out of the car. She just stopped as she was about to step out and looked at me and out of the blue asked, "Mommy, why did you want a baby?", referring, obvisouly, to Ayden Claire. "Well, Mommy loved you and Sissy so much that I wanted another baby to love...." I tried to give a quick explanation so we could get going. "Yeah, but why did you want that baby?" Anniston pressed on. I guess she thought that I went in and picked from an assortment of babies and Ayden Claire caught my eye! "Well baby, I didn't know which baby I would get. God gave us the baby that he wanted us to have and I'm so glad he chose Ayden Claire for us. Aren't you?"
And off we went. I guess it is kind of a gamble with don't know what kind of baby you are going to get but unlike gambling, you NEVER EVER regret you played the game. I wouldn't trade any of my children in for smarter, cleaner, neater, sweeter, cuter kids. I love them exactly as they are, flaws and all and if I could do it all over again, I wouldn't even think twice about it! So, I'm pretty glad we got "that baby" three times around- I can't believe how unique they all are but I know God has a plan for them and I am sure enjoying watching it unfold and being a part of it!
Monday, September 29, 2008
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Future Vet or PETA President?
Yes, that is a squirrel my daughter is holding. Alyssa, animal lover. Leslie stopped by on Ayden Claire's birthday with a paint bucket of baby squirrels. Three to be exact. Her boyfriend works on a ranch and something had happened to the mom- I didn't get the whole story, all I know is that Alyssa came walking through the house to where I was changing Ayden Claire in her room carrying a squirrel. I just about had a stroke! I told her quickly to get that thing out of the house- I wasn't even sure what it was at first. Leave it to Leslie to raise baby squirrels. We love you, Leslie!
Welcome, Uncle David!
My sister Kendra got married two weeks ago! The grand affair took place in Bermuda,so unfortunately- due to my fear of airplanes, my fear of leaving all my children while I go out of the country, fear of spending that much money- we weren't there. I know they had a wonderful time and by the pictures I know it was beautiful! Wes and I also chose to have a destination wedding so I completely understood them wanting to go away to get married. It is virtually stress free and so romantic! Her parents threw her a wonderful reception this past Saturday that was beautiful as well. Kendra is such an awesome girl and David is a great guy. They are so fortunate to have one another. They look so incredibly happy! I'm so happy for them and I know Wes, Josh and Billy are glad to add to the Brother In Laws!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008
It's My Party And I'll Cry If I Want To
Ayden Claire turned one on Sunday. We had our family and a few of our neighbors over to help celebrate. Ayden Claire got lots of new toys and clothes she is going to love. When it was time for cake, we sang and all the kids gathered around her highchair. I think she was a little nervous with so many people so close to her. She got a little upset for a few minutes. She did enjoy her cake although she was definitely a mess- a pink and purple mess!
Friday, September 12, 2008
And Then She Was 1
I have been an emotional trainwreck the past few days. Always on the verge of tears, eyes watering at the slightest thought of what was just around the corner- a complete basket case, that has been me. No, no one is terminally ill, everyone's healthy for the most part. We haven't had any major life changing events occur. Its just that my "baby"- let me emphasize, my last "baby"- is turning 1. Sniff, sniff. Now, I've made it through the first two girls 1st birthdays just fine. Its harder with Ayden Claire. For starters, the year has just flown by too fast! She has been way too good of a baby and not made it easy to accept that she's it for us. At least if she'd been colicky or fussy or horrible I might be saying, "Oh, thank goodness we are through!" But she's not colicky or fussy or horrible at all. She hardly cries- ever, and I mean that. (I am not bragging, I promise. I will be the first to tell you I have had a fussy, difficult, crying baby; although I won't tell you which one.)
Having Ayden Claire has just been such a joy. She has truly completed our family. I always said our family wasn't whole when we had Alyssa and Anniston. I really felt like we already had a third child, we just had not met him or her yet. Now I know it was Ayden Claire-Bear all along. She rounds out our family perfectly and makes three such a "nice even number" as Wes says.
I get emotional too, because as I celebrate the birth of our daughter, I think back to being in the hospital a year ago and getting a phone call that changed my entire family. My sister, Jennifer, was pregnant with a daughter also. Emerson Rose, and she was due about a week and half after me. Saturday night, the day after Ayden Claire was born, my hospital phone rang. Actually, it would really have been Sunday morning, very early. Jill, Kendra, and my mom were at my house with the girls and I knew they would not be calling at that hour unless something was wrong. And I was right. Emerson Rose had died before even making her appearance into this world. My beautiful little niece, and my dear sisters and her husbands baby girl was born a few days later. I did not get to see her, and I am forever saddened by that. I know that she was absolutely perfect and beautiful, too much so for this world. I learned something from Emerson, though. I have not taken one single second with Ayden Claire for granted. I have cherished them more and held her tighter and hugged her longer. I know Emerson touched so many lives, more than most people who live years on Earth. She continues to.
So while I am sad that this first year has come to an end, I am so incredibly thankful that we are able to celebrate her first year and many more to come, I pray. She has had quite a busy first year- her sisters softball games, carpool line at school, having lunch with Alyssa's first and second grade classes several times, dance recitals, swim meets and lots of grocery runs! And in Ayden Claire's spare time she's learned to pick up and eat Cheerios, sit, crawl, and walk, wave, kiss (my personal favorite!), patty cake, open the cabinets and rearrange them in a way that she prefers, take her hairbows out the instant I put them in, drink from a sippy cup, suck her thumb and so much more! She's had quite a year, and we've had quite a year with her. AC, thanks for making our family complete. I can barely remember our house without you in it, I am so grateful you are here. I love loving you!
Having Ayden Claire has just been such a joy. She has truly completed our family. I always said our family wasn't whole when we had Alyssa and Anniston. I really felt like we already had a third child, we just had not met him or her yet. Now I know it was Ayden Claire-Bear all along. She rounds out our family perfectly and makes three such a "nice even number" as Wes says.
I get emotional too, because as I celebrate the birth of our daughter, I think back to being in the hospital a year ago and getting a phone call that changed my entire family. My sister, Jennifer, was pregnant with a daughter also. Emerson Rose, and she was due about a week and half after me. Saturday night, the day after Ayden Claire was born, my hospital phone rang. Actually, it would really have been Sunday morning, very early. Jill, Kendra, and my mom were at my house with the girls and I knew they would not be calling at that hour unless something was wrong. And I was right. Emerson Rose had died before even making her appearance into this world. My beautiful little niece, and my dear sisters and her husbands baby girl was born a few days later. I did not get to see her, and I am forever saddened by that. I know that she was absolutely perfect and beautiful, too much so for this world. I learned something from Emerson, though. I have not taken one single second with Ayden Claire for granted. I have cherished them more and held her tighter and hugged her longer. I know Emerson touched so many lives, more than most people who live years on Earth. She continues to.
So while I am sad that this first year has come to an end, I am so incredibly thankful that we are able to celebrate her first year and many more to come, I pray. She has had quite a busy first year- her sisters softball games, carpool line at school, having lunch with Alyssa's first and second grade classes several times, dance recitals, swim meets and lots of grocery runs! And in Ayden Claire's spare time she's learned to pick up and eat Cheerios, sit, crawl, and walk, wave, kiss (my personal favorite!), patty cake, open the cabinets and rearrange them in a way that she prefers, take her hairbows out the instant I put them in, drink from a sippy cup, suck her thumb and so much more! She's had quite a year, and we've had quite a year with her. AC, thanks for making our family complete. I can barely remember our house without you in it, I am so grateful you are here. I love loving you!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
The Big 9!

Yesterday, Wes and I celebrated the 9th anniversary from the day we were married! It falls smack in the middle of our oldest and youngest girls birthdays so it tends to be a very busy time around our house. We were able to have dinner alone- yes, thats right, a table for 2, not 5 and not 2 with a highchair, just 2!- the night before our anniversary at Olive Garden. It was nice, not long enough, but nice nontheless. We were undecided about what to do on our actual anniversary so we opted to all 5 go to Longhorn's. It is about the only restaurant we haven't tried in the area. The food was pretty good but the company was great! I can't believe that in nine years our family has more than doubled in size and we have been blessed with 3 daughters- the fact that we have 3 girls makes me laugh quite often! We have had quite an eventful past nine years- from a move to Texas for almost six months to moving back to Alabama to settle in Montgomery, giving birth to our first daughter and becoming not only partners but parents, and then buying our first house in Millbrook and having two more girls! Along with such wonderful memories, we have also had some sad times- we each lost a very special grandparent, first my Granny in August of 2006 and then Wes's Pop the following January. I can proudly say though, through the good and the bad, happy and sad, I would say "I do" to my wonderful husband all over in a heartbeat. We may have started out young- the ripe age of 20 when we were married on a little island known as Jamaica- but we meant our vows and plan to grow old together. I can see us old and gray and wrinkled playing skipbo and watching late night T.V. together. Who knows, there may even be a grandSON one day!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Lessons In Generosity From Anniston
I learn so much from each of my daughters. I learn a lot about courage and taking chances and trying new things and meeting new people through Alyssa. And from Anniston, I learn the art of caring and giving. Last night I witnessed a "give where it hurts" moment from her. We were at CiCi's Pizza for school spirit night. My mom had handed out one dollar to each of the girls. I had already told them that was all they were getting because it was late and we needed to get home. So off they went to the corner of the restaraunt which houses the money eating machines, also known as the arcade. You can imagine how long a dollar a piece lasted them. 90 seconds later, they both come running out. Alyssa, of course had spent hers entirely and had two tootsie rolls in exchange for her four quarters. Anniston had hit the jackpot with a little blue elephant the size of a large marble. She was already naming her new best friend and still holding three quarters. Alyssa started in on wanting more money. I reminded her that I had told her that we had to go and she wasn't getting any more. Anniston immediately, without hesitation, said, "Here Sissy! You can have these!" and handed over all three shiny silver quarters to her sister. Wes and I looked at one another with our hearts melting. Here was Anniston, who had only spent one of her quarters, was so willing to give to someone else. And with such generosity. I looked at Alyssa with a look to say, "You better say thanks and appreciate what your little sister just did and remember how stinking sweet she is to you!". Alyssa reciprocated the generosity by giving Anniston 1 of her 3 quarters back (note the hint of sarcasm here!). Yes, I would like to think of myself as a generous person. I take the stained, missing buttons clothes to Goodwill. I donate toys we no longer play with or need or have room for. But do I give where it hurts? No, to be honest. Not the way I should. But I saw a 4 year old do it without thinking twice and I saw the happiness it brought to her. I learned a valuable lesson at CiCi's pizza, one I hope to never forget.

Happy 8th Alyssa!
September the 4th was Alyssa eighth birthday- yes, thats right, 8 years ago I become a Mommy to my beautiful little girl. She has grown into a lovely little girl. She's sassy and moody and Wes says she gets that from me but I'm not so sure. She took cupcakes to school Thursday and chose to go eat at Ria's- her favorite pizza buffet/arcade! Saturday she invited a few friends ice skating. They had a blast. Wes had his hands full with 5 little girls on the ice!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Beep, Beep!
If you happen to turn onto our street, Taylor Crossing, you will likely see something that you may at first mistake as an extra off the new "High School Musical 3" set. But don't be alarmed, its not an extra that took a few wrong turns, rather it is my daughter on her spanking brand new, hot pink, cooler than cool, electric scooter! It topped her birthday list this year and her three aunts and Nanny answered the call. Aunt Kendra came zipping up the driveway on it Friday night while Nanny, Jill, Alyssa, Anniston, Ayden Claire and myself were in the front yard. Needless to say, Alyssa was speechless and ecstatic at the same time. She has barely gotten off the scooter since, and I don't really blame her. I took it for a little spin, and I am indeed a little jealous of my almost 8 year old. So thanks to Nanny, Jen(and Billy), Kendra(and David), and Jill(and Josh-especially for saving us from instruction hell that would have been putting the thing together!). Alyssa loves her birthday gift and I figure we can get away with pretty much getting her nothing since not much will top the scooter- well, there's always the must have cell phone she's begging for!

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