Last weekend we went to Jill's house to build a fence. Yes, a fence. My dad and brother were coming up to build the fence Jill had been wanting since buying their house so Wes and David were enlisted to help. Wes was actually excited! Nothing like male bonding over a privacy fence in Alabama in July. And build it they did! They worked two days straight in 95+ degree summer heat and went through about 75 gatorades between the 5 of them. As the final boards were being nailed in to complete the fence, I started singing the line from the song "Signs"- "You put up a fence to keep me out, or to keep mother nature in...." I always liked that song! "Signs, signs, everywhere are signs, blocking up the scenery, breaking my mind, do this don't do that, can't you read the signs...." But back to the fence. And then I started thinking about where we build fences in our personal lives- do we put fences up to keep certain people in or out, where do we place fences or boundaries with our children? Everyone builds fences in different places....some closer to the house and some further away. Especially with our children! Still following me? Some parents put fences around their children VERY close to home in hopes of protecting them. In my opinion, and its just an opinion, that is okay but it really limits their view of what is beyond that fence. I don't want my girls to wake up one day and step outside of their fenced in life and be shocked by what is beyond their backyard. But, on the flip side of that, I don't want them to have too big of a fence too soon. So I think we put up our fence somewhere in the middle....probably a little closed in when it comes to some things and we expand the limitations with other things. I think at times my oldest daughter is a little sheltered and naive in ways. I try not to keep her totally in the dark but on the other hand I don't want her to worry about things that 9 year olds shouldn't worry about! It's a balancing act and there is a fine line as a parent I try to walk. Preparing your daughter for life and protecting her from life all at the same time. It seems impossible at times yet day after day that's what I try to do as a mom. My dad jokingly told Anniston once the fence was completely finished that "We're going to take it all down now!" One day (and not as far off as I'd like!) all the fences Wes and I have put up for our girls will be taken down. It will be up to them, as adults, to place and decide their own boundaries and what they will accept and let in and keep out of their lives. My prayer is that we've prepared them for that and when they test new things and find some unacceptable, they build their fences accordingly. And I also pray they never build fences around their hearts- guard them, yes, but don't fence in all that you have to give.

This picture really has nothing to do with fences, it was just taken in Jill's kitchen while the guys worked outside! Isn't Kendra the cutest little mommy to be? Can't wait to meet baby Kai!
Did I mention that I helped as well....? :)
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