Wednesday, August 13, 2008

A Mid-"Summer" Tale

So, "summer"- not the summer defined by the seasons, but the summer defined by the Elmore County School Board- has come to an end at our house. Yes, its still 90+ degrees out and the local pool is still open, its just the second week of August, every sign points to summer, except the bus going up the street. I'm really not complaining. School does seem to start early but the kids are usually ready to go back, and frankly, I was ready for them to go back, too. Now, that doesn't mean at all for the slightest second I haven't enjoyed being with them basically 24/7 the past two and a half months! We have had a wonderful "summer". We did a lot of playing, a LOT of swimming, a good bit of traveling (to Birmingham and Gulf Shores, but hey, it was traveling), and over all I think the kids had a great summer. I know I did.

Alyssa kept us all busy with swim team. It was worth it though. She made some new friends and worked really hard! I have a new appreciation for anyone dedicated enough to be a "swimmer". It is hard work, and I was just a spectator!

Anniston spent most of her time making new friends and hanging out with old ones at the pool. She is an amazing swimmer! She enjoyed "flirting"/torturing the lifeguards. Mr. Ethan is her favorite, maybe because he taught her swim lessons too.

Ayden Claire has completely mastered the whole standing/sitting/back to standing thing. However, she has concrete in her feet apparently because she is NOT moving those feet while standing! Its so funny. She has great balance and you can tell by her face she wants to just walk across the room- and I think she could- but she just isn't ready. Frankly, that's perfectly okay with me! She is getting four-yes folks, that's right, 4- new top teeth. She was pretty pitiful for a day or two but now they aren't bothering her as bad. The funny thing is, the top front ones weren't the ones to come through first, it was the next two. I was worried she wasn't going to have front teeth or something!

Wes is rocking along with his job at Haynes. The month of July the company reported an all time record breaking profit! Now, that isn't solely due to my dear husband I know, however he played a big part in getting things back on track. He is a pretty hard core manager from what I hear, but he does great. He's also living out his dream of becoming a flight medic. One day a week he is flying for Life Flight in Evergreen. I'm so proud of him!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

I don't mind you adding me at all. In fact I think it's super sweet. I love this blogging thing. My art/photography degree should come in handy for something. I just added you, mostly because I just figured out how. Your girls are too gorgeous! And btw, I'm so super jealous of you. I told Jill the other day, how unfair it is that you had 3 babies and right after Ayden Clarie, you didn’t look like you were ever pregnant. I was a whale. :)