Alyssa's 2nd grade class went on a field trip Thursday to a place called Camp Chandler. It's a camp owned by the YMCA and is about 5 or 10 miles north of Wetumpka. It was a blast- if you consider a short nature walk, a discussion on the senses animals use in the woods, a quick archery lesson and a bird walk a blast. Actually, the archery part was pretty fun. So was the cafeteria style lunch we got. Chicken, macaroni and cheese, sweet peas and fruit cocktail on those green plastic trays. Oh, and Kool-Aid. Orange Kool-Aid. The last time I had Kool-Aid, it was probably
spiked when I was learning to ride a bike without training wheels.
Oh, well. It was a day away from the classroom for the kids and I got to see my sweet Alyssa interact with her classmates. Very interesting. I learned a lot about her on that field trip. She's even more like me than I knew. She's friendly and likable but still a bit of a loner. She's a little more reserved. I watched as the kids ran wild around in circles in this big open yard. She found a nice quiet little bench and struck up a conversation with the kid next to her. Alyssa is a tough one to figure out at times. Just when I think I have figured her out, she throws me for a loop. But I was so glad to get this small glimpse into her 2nd grade world. I love that girl!

A lesson on onion weed, maybe? And I think the guide is eating it....?

Sweet Alyssa. Don't you just love that big bear cub on her hot maroon field trip shirt? Stylish. Rock on.

Sarah and Alyssa

A very informative and interesting lesson on the difference between "prey" and "predator"

The kids playing a Marco/Polo type game called Bat/Moth. Looked like fun!

Sara Grace, Carley, Sarah and Alyssa waiting to shoot the bow and arrow.

The best part of the trip!
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