Monday, April 6, 2009

In The Motherhood

If you missed today's Oprah, it was titled "In the Motherhood" and had moms spilling their "dirty little secrets." As a mom, I found it a relief to see and hear other moms who don't always do everything perfectly! I absolutely LOVE my kids but there are totally moments when you just do what you have to do to survive the day! So, I thought every now and then I'd share a "dirty little secret" of my own. Here goes!

Dirty Little Secret #1-

I have used my daughters dress/shirt to wipe their snotty noses on occasion if I don't have a tissue readily available. Gross, I know. But which is worse- snot running in her mouth or snot on the hem of her (probably already dirty) dress?

Dirty Little Secret #2-

I've let my babies cry it out in their crib...without feeling too guilty.

That's my confessional for now- more to come. In the mean time, please don't call Child Protective Services!


The Jayne Journey! said...

haha! That's funny - Kyler got so mad a diner tonight when I fixed him tea (in the wrong cup) so he went and poured it out in the sink - one b/c he has a temper and two - just to make me mad! So as he proceeded to the cabinet to get another one - I stopped him... in the end - he couldn't have anything to drink the rest of the evening! I figured I would give him some of his own medicine!!! Guess that's not really a "dirty secret" though!

Melissa said...

We should continue this post over coffee sometime. :)

Dusty Brown said...

I've done both of those things. My big confession would be what a relief it is to have an older child (almost 6) who will gladly run downstairs to grab a juicebox or some grapes for their snack when I'm busy upstairs in my studio (or collapsing across the bed in need of a nap LOL)...