When Anniston turned 5, we celebrated in Disney World. Obviously, this isn't the norm for us and the way we spend birthdays. It just worked out that we could go around Anniston's birthday and I said if we were going to go around then, I wanted to be there ON her birthday and I wanted her to think we were there FOR her birthday. I do, however, think birthdays are a big deal. They don't have to be Disney, expensive, or extravagant; but they do have to be SPECIAL. After all, we are celebrating the BIRTH of someone. I mean, wow. That's a big deal and I believe in making birthdays special. I sing "Happy Birthday" at least 20 times throughout each girls birthday- its the first thing they hear when they wake up and I sing it as I tuck them in on the night of their birthday. So, back in March when I found out TAYLOR SWIFT (our FAVORITE singer!!) would be in Birmingham the week after Alyssa's birthday, I knew I had found her present. But wouldn't you know it, tickets went on sale the week we were in Disney World- without internet access. I was more than a little bummed to get home and find out they had not only gone on sale, but also sold out. Big time bummer. Well, I did what any
crazy determined mom would- I went to a website and bought overpriced tickets to the sold out concert. And our seats were horrible but neither Alyssa nor Anniston complained and we could hear her just fine! We had a wonderful night with our big girls!

Alyssa and Anniston all dressed up and ready to go!

Heading into the BJCC!

Waiting for the show to begin- we were SO excited!

See that little bitty, tiny blue speck? Yeah, that's Taylor. :)

We <3 you, Taylor Swift!
That was such a sweet birthday present! Glad you all had fun and were able to go! I also love your new header pic!
Just saw a comment on some blog and clicked over. Excited to see another Bama girl in the blogosphere! You have precious girls :) Look forward to reading more about you and your fam!
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